March 2014
Friday Games: Ste Curran & Karaokards
This Friday, Ste is visiting the MIT Game Lab to give us a tase of his unique style of game related storytelling as well as showing his soon to be released game Karaokards which recently was successfully funded on Kickstarter.
Find out more »Friday Games: Indirect Conflict
We've handed the reins to this week's Friday Games to our affiliate, Aerjen Tamminga: This Friday will be an exploration of some of the Euro Games that inspired me to make Pleasant Dreams. I often (accidentally) make games with indirect conflict due to my over-exposure to Euro Games. Come join us at MIT in building 26, room 153 or watch online on our Twitch.TV channel.
Find out more »Creating Culture in Virtual Worlds
Part of the MIT Museum Talk Back 360 programs:
Join a conversation with MIT Professor D. Fox Harrell and MIT Researcher Todd Harper as they discuss the ways in which cultural values are both created and represented in digital media. Explore how online communities and computer code both give rise to shared values - through the interactions between people online, as well as the underlying computational structure of video games, websites, and other online communities.
Find out more »April 2014
How Research at Riot Games Informs Player-Focused Decisions
At Riot Games, we view research as a pathway to collaborate with players and make player-focused, data-informed decisions. Specifically, this talk will delve into: our research philosophy, how we distinguish between “data-informed” and “data-driven” decision making, and examples of research that have impacted the design of recent additions to the game.
Find out more »Boston Indies Meeting – “Working with Composers”
Working with Composers: Li Xiao’an presents a primer for developers regarding process, communication and common problems/solutions in working with composers. He will detail the steps involved in creating a soundtrack, and reveal industry figures and practices relating to music production for video games.
Find out more »Play Day at the MIT Museum
Play around with games and more from the MIT Game Lab, Education Arcade, Learning Games Network, EyeWire and others. Featured demonstrations and hands-on activities are designed especially for teens.
Find out more »Boston Unity Group meeting – “Playmaker: Making Games with or without Coding in Unity”
Jenna Hoffstein and Creath Carter present PlayMaker as a platform for non-programmers and other designer-types to create interactive games with or without coding in Unity.
Find out more »May 2014
Friday Games: Fashion = POWER!
In honor of the Final Fantasy X-2 HD re-release, we will play games where fashion is a gameplay mechanic, including the new Final Fantasy XII Lightning Returns, The World Ends With You, Assassin's Creed: Liberation, and others.
Find out more »Cardboard Jam 2014
Join us the weekend of May 3 & 4 for Cardboard Jam. We will make non-digital games using simple materials: paper, pencil, cards, and board.
Find out more »CMS Colloquium: Philip Jones: “Gaming In Color”
"Out of the closet & into the arcade! The story of the queer gaming community, gaymer culture and events, and the rise of LGBTQ themes in video games."
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