Friday Games: Hokra

This Friday, the MIT Game Lab will be hosting our most important annual sporting event plus casual end-of-term study break, the International Hokra Association Northeast Regional Championships! Starting on May 17th at 5pm, we will be in a much larger room in the MIT Sloan Laboratory, 35-225. Pizza. Prizes. Stadium seating.
Some of you may have caught the preview of the updated “Alpha” build of Hokra last week, which was made available to backers of Sportsfriends on Kickstarter. We noted some changes to the game that should have a visible effect on competitive play, particularly the no-dash tackle, which often results in both aggressive and defensive “dancing” on the field and makes it much harder for the ball-carryer to juke in the scoring zone. The speed of the players and ball also seem zippier, and the lower default game resolution of 720p should feel familiar to players from the 2011 No Quarter exhibition.
Since there aren’t any classes on Friday, feel free to swing by 35-225 at 4pm to get in a little warm-up practice. You can still register your team if you want in! Join us in person or watch our semiprofessional live broadcast and score ticker via Twitch.