March 2013
MIT Business in Gaming 2013
MITBIG is an annual conference that focuses on the business side of the gaming industry. Our aim is to bring together industry professionals, local entrepreneurs and students to share insights and best business practices on how to run a gaming company, and how to make good games with it. This year is the 5th year that the conference is being held, and we are more excited than ever to have you join us for this milestone event!
Find out more »March 2014
Friday Games: Indirect Conflict
We've handed the reins to this week's Friday Games to our affiliate, Aerjen Tamminga: This Friday will be an exploration of some of the Euro Games that inspired me to make Pleasant Dreams. I often (accidentally) make games with indirect conflict due to my over-exposure to Euro Games. Come join us at MIT in building 26, room 153 or watch online on our Twitch.TV channel.
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